
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) and Pregnancy: Symptoms, Causes, Factors, and Risk

We’ll have heard about the reproductive system, but is everyone familiar with its functioning. The reproductive system is a section of the body that involves becoming pregnant and having a baby. When your reproductive organs get infected, pelvic inflammatory disease, popularly known as PID, occurs.

Generally, PID transpires when sexually transmitted bacteria spread from your vagina to your uterus, fallopian tubes or ovaries. You might experience lower abdominal pain or an unexpected vaginal discharge (leaking) if you have got PID.

Know everything about PID, from PID symptoms or causes to how it affects pregnancy and more, in this post.

Table of Content

1.0 Signs and Symptoms of PID
2.0 What are the Causes of PID?
3.0 Factors that Increase Your Risk of PID
4.0 What are the Problems Associated with PID?
5.0 Ways to Lessen Your Risk of Getting PID
6.0 PID and Pregnancy – If You Have PID, Can You Become Pregnant?

Signs and Symptoms of PID

We’ll have heard about the reproductive system, but is everyone familiar with its functioning. The reproductive system is a section of the body that involves becoming pregnant and having a baby. When your reproductive organs get infected, pelvic inflammatory disease, popularly known as PID, occurs.

Generally, PID transpires when sexually transmitted bacteria spread from your vagina to your uterus, fallopian tubes or ovaries. You might experience lower abdominal pain or an unexpected vaginal discharge (leaking) if you have got PID.

Know everything about PID, from PID symptoms or causes to how it affects pregnancy and more, in this post.

If a woman has any PID symptoms or signs, they will mostly be: 

  • Mild or extreme pain in your abdomen and pelvis 
  • Pain during sexual intercourse 
  • Strange vaginal bleeding at the time of or after sex or in between periods 
  • Fever, which is may be accompanied with chills 
  • Frequent and painful urination 
  • Heavy and unusual vaginal discharge that can have a bad odour 

You may need immediate medical care if you: 

  • Have severe abdominal pain 
  • Constant vomiting and nausea 
  • High fever having temperature over 101 F 
  • Vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odour 

What are the Causes of PID?

Gonorrhoea or chlamydia are the most typical infections that cause pelvic inflammatory disorder. However, many other types of bacteria cause PID apart from these. In most cases, these bacteria get contracted because of unprotected sex. 

Very infrequently, bacteria invade your reproductive system anytime the cervix’s natural function as a barrier is interrupted. This may surface during menstruation as well as following delivery, miscarriage, or abortion. 

Exceptionally, when an intrauterine device (IUD), a form of long-term birth control, is installed or during any other medical procedure involving the implantation of devices in the uterus, germs may infiltrate the reproductive system. 

Factors that Increase Your Risk of PID

  • If you are sexually active and under 25. 
  • A sexual relationship with someone having more than a single-sex partner 
  • Having multiple sexual partners 
  • Douching, as regular douching, upsets the balance of good and bacteria in the vagina. 
  • Sexual intercourse without a condom 
  • History of PID or STI 
  • After the implantation of an intrauterine device, there is a slight increase in the risk of PID (IUD). This risk typically lasts just for the first three weeks following insertion. 

What are the Problems Associated with PID?

Some of the problems linked to PID are:  

Ectopic Pregnancy: 

When an untreated PID leads to the development of scar tissue in the fallopian tubes. The scar tissue inhibits the fertilized egg from travelling toward the fallopian tube and implanting in the uterus. Ectopic pregnancy can be life-threatening and will require urgent medical care. 

Chronic Pelvic Pain: 

Pelvic inflammation can lead to pain that can continue for months or even years. Pain during sexual activity and ovulation can be due to scarring in your fallopian tubes and other pelvic organs. 


Infertility, or the inability to get pregnant, can result from injury to your reproductive organs. Your chance of infertility increases the more PID episodes you’ve experienced. Your risk of infertility greatly increases if you put off getting treatment for PID. 


PID can lead to an abscess (a collection of pus) building in your reproductive tract. Generally, abscesses affect fallopian tubes and ovaries, but they can grow in the uterus or other pelvic organs. If left untreated, an abscess can turn into a life-threatening infection. 

Ways to Lessen Your Risk of Getting PID

  • Use a condom every time you have sex, know your partner’s sexual history and restrict the number of your sex partner. 
  • If you think you have a chance of getting an STI, visit your doctor and get tested. A regular screen schedule and early treatment for STI can help you avoid PID. 
  • Numerous methods of birth control do not prevent PID from developing. Utilizing barrier techniques, like a condom, can assist lower your risk. 
  • Avoid douching because that upsets the balance of good and bad bacteria. 
  • If you have PID or STI, ask your partner to get tested and treated if needed. This can help you prevent the spread of recurring PID or STI. 

PID and Pregnancy - If You Have PID, Can You Become Pregnant?

Yes, a woman with PID can relish the feeling of motherhood. Advanced treatment like in vitro fertilization (IVF) can help women with PID conceive. Before the IVF treatment starts, the infected PID should be treated with antibiotics to prevent additional damage. 

You should book your appointment at Banker IVF if you or your partner has PID and are facing trouble conceiving. Dr Manish Banker, the best fertility specialist in Ahmedabad at Banker IVF, will provide expert guidance for your fertility treatment. 

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