Infertility is a common issue among couples trying to conceive. It is seen widely in India too. Luckily, with the rapid advancement in technology several effective and non-invasive treatment options are now available. These fertility treatments are designed to deal with various infertility issues among both men and women. In vitro fertilization (IVF) is one such fertility treatment that is practised commonly. Banker IVF centre in Ahmedabad provides high-end fertility treatments including IVF under the IVF specialist in Ahmedabad Dr Manish Banker.
It is a fact that infertility is more than just a reproductive problem, it is also an emotional and cognitive one. Therefore, the success of an IVF cycle also relies on your mental health. This means, staying positive and keeping away all the negative thoughts before, during and after the IVF treatment plays a vital role.
Here, we talk about the importance of positivity among patients undergoing IVF treatment and how to deal with stress.
How stress affects a woman’s fertility?
A women’s fertility depends on a number of factors and stress is one of them. Infertility is already a stressful situation and IVF treatment may make the patient anxious and worried. Stress in itself is not good for mental and physical health as it can have a negative impact on our bodies. Not being able to conceive even after trying continuously can frustrate the person and often leads to despair. Each pregnancy failure can trigger a loss of hope among both partners. Even after seeking fertility treatment such as IVF, the stress may persist after the embryo transfer. A woman may experience multiple signs of a positive embryo transfer during the 2 week period before taking the pregnancy test.
Also read: How Age Affects Fertility
Positivity results in increased fertility
Our mind and body are closely connected to one another. Being mentally strong can help you with all sorts of pain and it also can influence fertility. Positivity has a massive impact on the fertility of patients who are diagnosed with infertility. It is not easy to cope with the news of being infertile be it, a man or woman. A lot of couples get emotionally disturbed and are in a very vulnerable mental state. This can also lead to severe depression which in turn affects fertility. Therefore, it is in your hand to control your thoughts and lean onto the positive side instead of the negative. In case you let the negative let toll on you, it is likely that the sad news of infertility will influence your thinking and you may end up developing unhealthy and negative thoughts. This is also one of the reasons which affect the relationship of a couple whenever one of them is diagnosed with infertility. At Banker IVF centre in Ahmedabad, the IVF specialist Dr Manish Banker advises the patient to be as positive as they can be if they plan to undergo fertility treatment. Our mind can be influenced heavily by the thoughts we perceive. So, not focusing on the problem while suffering from infertility and remaining positive will surely enhance the success of IVF treatment.
How to stay positive while trying to conceive?
The fertility journey is not quick, it demands effort, money, time and dedication. So, desperately waiting for the end result is not fun, nor is the frequent pregnancy test. While trying to conceive naturally, don’t focus too much on the goal of having a baby. As it will ruin your current moment of intimacy with your other half. So, relish the lovely encounters with your partner and strengthen your bond with him or her. Similarly, when seeking IVF treatment, all you have to do is relax and trust the process while keeping all the negativity at bay.
Also read: 5 Ways Fertility Counselling Can help you Deal with Infertility
Seek Treatment
The power of positive thinking is often underestimated, but only if people knew its true effectiveness of it. Positive thinking also helps with fertility and improves the success rate of IVF treatment. Before beginning the IVF treatment, the fertility doctor will ask the patient to go through fertility counselling. This therapy session allows the IVF specialist Dr Manish Banker at their IVF centre in Ahmedabad to clear all the doubts. Patients are educated about the IVF procedure and all of their questions are answered.